I am a senior majoring in PD Bio with the intent to go to PA school in 2015. I have been in Dr. Arroyo's lab since January 2013 and have really enjoyed it. It has been great working with Dr. Arroyo because he really cares for his students and wants us to learn, grow and gain experience. I am from Escondido, California and have lived there for my whole life (well except while on my mission and while here at BYU). I served my mission in Tokyo, Japan and there, I developed a love for all kinds of ethnic foods. Food is a fast and easy way to my heart. I have always loved my local sports teams (Padres, Chargers, and Lakers/Clippers) even though they do not always do well. I am no fair-weather fan!

Collin Weaver
Arroyo Lab - Past Undergraduate