Undergraduate Program
Physiology and Developmental Biology
Graduate Program
Physiology and Developmental Biology
State College, Pennsylvania
I started working in Dr. Stark's lab as a senior (I had been in two other labs prior to this). During this time, I worked primarily with helping the PhD student at the time with genotyping. From Dr. Stark's excellent mentoring and passion for his research, I decided to apply for the Master's program at BYU and remain in his lab with the intention of doing a comparative study of chick, swan, and goose development. As there were time restraints, I moved on to study the role of Wnt in the chick trigeminal placode. From the graduate program, I moved out to North Carolina with my husband to start at an osteopathic medical school, but left the program without finishing. We are still in NC with my 2 kids (2 years and 4 months) and am working in a lab at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Our research focuses on exploring the development of pacemaker cells in the heart and developing a new method for manipulating genetics in vivo. I largely credit Dr. Stark for his excellent tutelage and dedication to developing technically competent and critically thinking researchers. In addition, Dr. Stark gave me the opportunity to acquire skills not only in research, but also in leadership and management. Overall, BYU's undergraduate research program enriched my learning and challenged me in ways that the lecture halls and standard lab classes couldn't.
Email juliel.hulet@gmail.com