A: Collagen Fibers are found in most supporting tissues and collagen is the most abundant protein in the body (Wheaters). They usually stain pink and are the thickest fiber.
B:Fibroblasts are the cells that produce collagen and elastin that form the fibers found in connective tissue. They are small purple cells found inside the connective tissue
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Areolar 20X
A:Collagen fibers
B:Elastic fibers are very thin and stain black. They can be found in many places that accommodate volume change in the body such as the arteries.
C: Fibroblast
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Areolar 40X
B:Collagen fibers
C:Elastic fibers
Loose Connective Tissue
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LCT dermis
Loose connective tissue with collagen fibers packed loosely in the dermis
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LCT Lamina Propria
A: Ciliated simple columnar epithelium
B: Loose connective tissue often called lamina propria