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Benjamin Bikman

Cell Biology and Physiology

Provo, UT 84602


Dr. Bikman’s research focus is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that mediate the disruption that causes and accompanies metabolic disorders, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and dementia. Driven by his academic training (Ph.D. in Bioenergetics and postdoctoral fellowship with the Duke-National University of Singapore in metabolic disorders), he is currently exploring the contrasting roles of insulin and ketones as key drivers of metabolic function. He frequently publishes his research in peer-reviewed journals and presents at international science meetings.

Research Interests

The focus of my lab (the Laboratory of Obesity and Metabolism) is twofold. First, we aim to identify the molecular mechanisms that explain the increased risk of disease that accompanies weight gain, with particular emphasis on the etiology of insulin resistance and disrupted mitochondrial function. Second, we hope to reveal novel cellular processes that are responsible for fat development and accrual, with a particular emphasis on white/brown fat and the contrasting effects of insulin and ketones.

Much of our recent work is focused on the pathogenicity of the hormone insulin. Insulin, while necessary for healthy living, elicits significant and harmful changes in tissue metabolic function when chronically elevated. Several projects have stemmed from this work, including a focus on the varying effects of dietary macronutrients (e.g. carbohydrates vs. fats) on insulin homeostasis, the effects of insulin on brown adipose tissue (and metabolic rate), and insulin-induced brain alterations.

We employ numerous pharmacological and genetic tools to better understand the origins and consequences of ceramide accumulation on various factors related to metabolic function, including signal transduction, substrate utilization, and energy expenditure.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Bioenergetics , East Carolina University (2008)
  • Master of Science, Exercise Physiology , Brigham Young University (2005)
  • Bachelor of Science, Exercise Science , Brigham Young University (2003)

Honors and Awards

  • Travel Award, Oroboros Instruments (2012 - 2012)
  • Travel Scholarship, Keystone Symposium (2011 - 2011)
  • NIH: Pre-doctoral fellowship (2005 - 2006)


  • American Diabetes Society (2024 - Present)
  • American Society for Investigative Pathology (2017 - Present)
  • Mitochondrial Physiology Society (2012 - Present)
  • American Physiological Society (2010 - Present)

Professional Citizenship

  • Committee/Council Member, Duke-NUS Postdoctoral Representative
  • Board Member, American Diabetes Society (2024 - Present)
  • Board Member, American Physiological Society (2022 - Present)
  • Editor, Associate Editor, International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2018 - Present)
  • Other, BYU Diabetes Research Lab (2016 - Present)
  • Committee/Council Member, American Physiological Society - Integrative Physiology (2015 - Present)
  • Committee/Council Member, American Physiological Society - Translational Physiology (2015 - Present)
  • Editorial Review Board Member, International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2021 - 2024)
  • Editor, Associate Editor, Guest Editor (2016 - 2017)

Courses Taught


Landon S Deru Elizabeth Z Gipson Katelynn E Hales Benjamin Thomas Bikman Lance E Davidson Benjamin D Horne James Derek LeCheminant Larry Allan Tucker Bruce W Bailey Madison N Kirkham Christian Cooper Emily Broberg Peter Robertson Derek Clarke Brett Earl Pickett Benjamin T Bikman Paul R Reynolds Juan A Arroyo D m Clarke A P Koutnik R J Johnson J M DeBlasi Benjamin T Bikman Juan A Arroyo Paul R Reynolds D M Clarke K L Curtis K Harward J Scott B M Stapley M A Kirkham E T Clark P Robertson E Chambers C E Warren Benjamin T Bikman Juan A Arroyo Paul R Reynolds K L Curtis K M Hirschi K Tsai E T Clark B M Stapley Benjamin T Bikman Paul R Reynolds Juan A Arroyo C E Warren K M Campbell M n Kirkham E R Saito M J Shin N P Remund K B Cayabyab J J Lim M S Heimuli Paul R Reynolds Juan A Arroyo Benjamin Thomas Bikman K B Cayabyab M J Shin M S Heimuli I J Kim D P D'Agostino R J Johnson A P Koutnik N Bellissimo D M Diamond N G Norwitz Juan A Arroyo Paul R Reynolds Benjamin T Bikman N P Remund j G Larsen M J Shin C E Warren I l Palmer I J Kim E T Cooper-Leavitt D M Clarke C G Beus R J Johnson Juan A Arroyo Paul R Reynolds Benjamin Thomas Bikman Katrina L Curtis Ashley Chang James D Johnston John D Beard Scott C Collingwood James Derek LeCheminant Neil Edward Peterson Andrew J South Clifton B Farnsworth Seshananda Sanjel Benjamin T Bikman Juan A Arroyo Paul R Reynolds D M Diamond P Mason Benjamin Thomas Bikman S T Carr E R Saito C M Walton J Y Saito C M Hanegan C E Warren A M Trumbull Benjamin Thomas Bikman C M Walton E R Saito C E Warren J G Larsen N P Remund Paul Rulon Reynolds Jason Merrell Hansen Benjamin Thomas Bikman C Mendoza C Hanegan A Sperry L Vargas T Case Benjamin Thomas Bikman Dario Mizrachi L S Deru C J Chamberlain G R Lance E Z Gipson Benjamin Thomas Bikman Lance E Davidson Larry Allan Tucker J L Coleman Bruce W Bailey D M Diamond Benjamin Thomas Bikman P Mason E R Saito C E Warren C M Hanegan J G Larsen J D du Randt M Cannon J Y Saito R J Campbell C M Kemberling G S Miller Jeff Glen Edwards Benjamin Thomas Bikman Benjamin Thomas Bikman K J Shimy C M Apovian S Yu E R Saito C M Walton C B Ebbeling D S Ludwig Landon S Deru Benjamin Thomas Bikman Lance E Davidson Larry Allan Tucker Gilbert W Fellingham Ciera L Bartholomew Holly L Yuan Bruce W Bailey Benjamin Thomas Bikman K H Fisher-Wellman KYF Tsai Benjamin Thomas Bikman PR Reynolds JA Arroyo E R Saito J B Miller O Harari C Cruchaga K A Mihindukulasuriya John Sai Keong Kauwe Benjamin Thomas Bikman Chase M Walton Samuel M Jacobsen Blake W Dallon Erin R Saito Shantelle L H Bennett Lance E Davidson David M Thomson Robert D Hyldahl Benjamin T Bikman Haokun Yang Jacob Herring Adam Wynn Weston Elison Chase Walton Lance Good Erik Marchant Nathan Marchant Benjamin Thomas Bikman Jeffery S Tessem K M Hirschi Tsai KYF T Davis J C Clark M N Knowlton Benjamin Thomas Bikman Paul Rulon Reynolds Juan Alberto Arroyo J L Gibbs B W Dallon J B Lewis C M Walton Juan Alberto Arroyo Paul Rulon Reynolds Benjamin Thomas Bikman J Mejia K Hirshi K Tsai M Long B Tullis E Bitter B Bikman P Reynolds Juan Alberto Arroyo C M Walton K Perry R H Hart S L Berry Benjamin Thomas Bikman K Hirshi K Tsai T Davis J Clark M Knowlton B Bikman P Reynolds Juan Alberto Arroyo J C Fox A T Evans M P Blomfield S K Livingstone S R Tenney J B Webster K Perry Jonathon T Hill Benjamin Thomas Bikman Marc David Hansen Jane Fox A T Evans M P Blomfield S K Livingstone S R Tenney J B Webster K Perry Jonathon T Hill Benjamin Thomas Bikman Hansen MDH Julianne House Grose Desiree DeMille Jenny A Pape Benjamin Thomas Bikman Majid Ghassemian Jenny A. Pape Colleen R. Newey Haley R. Burrell Audrey Workman Katelyn Perry Benjamin T. Bikman Laura C. Bridgewater Julianne House Grose D DeMille J A Pape Benjamin Thomas Bikman M Ghassemian Julianne House Grose B A Parker C M Walton S T Carr Jason Alan Andrus Cheung ECK M J Duplisea E K Wilson C Draney D R Lathen K B Kenner David Morley Thomson Jeffery S Tessem Benjamin Thomas Bikman B A Parker C M Walton S T Carr J L Andrus Cheung ECK M J Duplisea E K Wilson C Draney D R Lathen K B Kenner David Morley Thomson Jeffery S Tessem Benjamin Thomas Bikman B W Dallon B A Parker A E Hodson T S Tippetts M E Harrison Appiah MMA J E Witt J L Gibbs H M Gray T M Sant Benjamin Thomas Bikman T J Rowley, 4th B F Bitner J D Ray D R Lathen A T Smithson B W Dallon C J Plowman Benjamin Thomas Bikman Jason Merrell Hansen M R Dorenkott K M Goodrich L Ye S F O'Keefe A P Neilson Jeffery S Tessem JE Lindsley EE Abali Benjamin Thomas Bikman SD Cline T Fulton OD Rosenthal VE Uhley RJ Weintraut PD Williams Jonathan Jayme Wisco K Thompson C J Banks N W Rodriguez K R Gashler R R Pandya J B Mortenson M D Whited E J Soderblom J W Thompson M A Moseley A R Reddi Jeffery S Tessem M P Torres Benjamin Thomas Bikman Joshua Andersen MaryJane Sampson Daniel R Lathen Blake W Dallon Carrie Draney Jason D Ray Kyle B Kener Brian A Parker Jonathan L Gibbs Jarom S Gropp Jeffery S Tessem Benjamin Thomas Bikman O J Taylor M O Thatcher S T Carr J L Gibbs A M Trumbull M E Harrison D R Winden M J Pearson T S Tippetts W L Holland Paul Rulon Reynolds Benjamin Thomas Bikman K Napa A C Baeder J E Witt S T Rayburn M G Miller B W Dallon J L Gibbs S H Wilcox D R Winden J H Smith Paul Rulon Reynolds Benjamin Thomas Bikman N T Sanders D J Dutson J W Durrant J B Lewis Shalene Hardman Wilcox D R Winden Juan Alberto Arroyo Benjamin Thomas Bikman Paul Rulon Reynolds Josh B. Lewis Kelsey M. Hirschi Juan Alberto Arroyo Benjamin Thomas Bikman David Lee Kooyman Paul Rulon Reynolds A. D. Mathis B. C. Naylor R. H. Carson E. Evans J. Harwell J. Knecht E. Hexem F. F. Peelor B. F. Miller K. L. Hamilton M. K. Transtrum B. T. Bikman John Calvin Price M S Reynolds Chad R Hancock J D Ray K B Kener C Draney K Garland J Hardman Benjamin Thomas Bikman Jeffery S Tessem A C Baeder K Napa S T Richardson O J Taylor S G Andersen S H Wilcox D R Winden Paul Rulon Reynolds Benjamin Thomas Bikman A E Hodson T S Tippetts Benjamin Thomas Bikman Melissa Ellen Smith Hansen K J Simmons T S Tippetts M O Thatcher R R Saito S T Hubbard A M Trumbull B A Parker O J Taylor Benjamin Thomas Bikman O S Kwon R E Tanner K M Barrows M Runtsch J D Symons T Jalili Benjamin Thomas Bikman D A McClain R M O'Connell M J Drummond Michael B Nelson Adam C Swensen Duane R Winden Jared S Bodine Benjamin Thomas Bikman Paul Rulon Reynolds JT Gibby DK Njeru ST Cvetko Ray M Merrill Benjamin Thomas Bikman WA Gibby T S Tippetts D R Winden A C Swensen M B Nelson M O Thatcher R R Saito T B Condie K J Simmons Allan M Judd Paul Rulon Reynolds Benjamin Thomas Bikman Mikayla O Thatcher Trevor S Tippetts Michael B Nelson Adam C Swensen Duane R Winden Melissa E Hansen Madeline C Anderson Ian E Johnson James Paul Porter Paul Rulon Reynolds Benjamin Thomas Bikman Desiree DeMille Benjamin Thomas Bikman Andrew D. Mathis John T Prince Jordan T. Mackay Steven W. Sowa Tacie D. Hall Julianne House Grose Melissa E. Hansen Trevor S. Tippetts Emma R. Moulton Zachariah E. Holub Adam C. Swensen John T Prince Benjamin Thomas Bikman Melissa Smith Trevor Tippetts Eric Brassfield Braden Tucker Adelaide Ockey Adam Swensen Tamil Anthonymuthu Trevor Washburn Daniel Kane John T Prince Benjamin Thomas Bikman Katerhine A Erickson Melissa E Smith Tamil S Anthonymuthu Eric S Brassfield Braden J Tucker John T Prince Chad R Hancock Benjamin Thomas Bikman Mobin M Siddique Benjamin Thomas Bikman Liping Wang Markus W Wenk Scott A Summers Benjamin Thomas Bikman Yuguang Guan Guanghou Shui Siddique Mobin M Ji-Yun Kim Markus R Wenk Scott A Summers Benjamin Thomas Bikman Benjamin Thomas Bikman Michael Andrew Bressler Benjamin Thomas Bikman Scott A Summers William L Holland Benjamin Thomas Bikman Scott A Summers et al. Benjamin Thomas Bikman Scott A Summers Benjamin Thomas Bikman G. Lynis Dohm Joseph A Houmard Benjamin Thomas Bikman G. Lynis Dohm Daniel A Kane Benjamin Thomas Bikman P. Darrell Neufer Benjamin Thomas Bikman Scott A Summers William L Holland Benjamin Thomas Bikman Scott A Summers Philip E Scherer et al. Benjamin Thomas Bikman Ronald N Cortright Benjamin Thomas Bikman G. Lynis Dohm NR Stob Benjamin Thomas Bikman Christopher Bell


Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Jeff Glen Edwards Jed Christensen Michael Dew Erin Saito Bryson Reed Anna Everett Jared Weight Noah Valentine Colin Kemberling Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Landon Deru Benjamin T Bikman Lance E Davidson Larry A Tucker Bruce W Bailey
Landon Deru Benjamin Thomas Bikman Lance E Davidson Larry Allan Tucker Bruce W Bailey
Jeffery S Tessem Haokun Yang Jacob Herring Adam Wynn Weston Elison Chase Walton Lance Good Erick Marchant Nathan Marchant Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Joshua Melanson Zachary E. Olsen Chase M. Walton Benjamin T. Bikman David Morley Thomson
A. Wynn K. Garland K. Kener Kelly Scott Weber Benjamin Thomas Bikman Chad R Hancock Jeffery S Tessem
K. S. Garland K. Kener J. Hancock C. M. T. Freitas Benjamin Thomas Bikman Chad R Hancock Kelly Scott Weber Jeffery S Tessem
C. A. Mejia M. M. Appiah J. B. Lewis Benjamin Thomas Bikman Jason Merrell Hansen Paul Rulon Reynolds Juan Alberto Arroyo
J. Cho J. S. Kim J. B. Lewis Paul Rulon Reynolds Benjamin Thomas Bikman J. D. Symons
C. L. Jacobsen M. Peterson D. L. Dalanhese D. Roberts S. N. Vanmali S. Sarva J. E. Witt S. H. Wilcox D. R. Winden Benjamin Thomas Bikman Paul Rulon Reynolds
S. Sarva S. N. Vanmali D. L. Dalanhese M. Peterson C. L. Jacobsen K. M. Hirschi J. B. Lewis S. H. Wilcox D. R. Winden Benjamin Thomas Bikman Juan Alberto Arroyo Paul Rulon Reynolds
D. L. Dalanhese D. Roberts S. N. Vanmali M. Peterson C. L. Jacobsen S. Sarva K. M. Hirschi J. B. Lewis S. H. Wilcox D. R. Winden Benjamin Thomas Bikman Juan Alberto Arroyo Paul Rulon Reynolds
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Aimee Hodson Trevor Tippetts Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Julianne House Grose Benjamin Thomas Bikman Desiree Demille Jenny Pattison
Julianne House Grose Benjamin Thomas Bikman Desiree DeMille
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Kurtis Simmons Melissa Hansen Mikayla Thatcher Trevor Tippetts Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Rex Saito Kurtis Simmons Melissa Hansen Mikayla Thatcher Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Julianne House Grose Jenny Pattinson Desiree DeMille Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman Braden J Tucker
Benjamin Thomas Bikman Mikayla O Thatcher
Benjamin Thomas Bikman Melissa E Smith
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman Katherine A Erickson Melissa E Smith
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman
Benjamin Thomas Bikman

Undergraduate Programs

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