Abstracts Presented at National or International Meetings
Undergraduate co-authors are italicized
Reynolds, PR. 2018. RAGE and SAGE: Therapeutic Modalities for Smoke-Inducted COPD. Oral Presentation. Proc Physiol Soc 41 (2019).
Reynolds PR. 2018. Correlation between DNA double strand break repair and RAGE in pathological placentas. Placenta J 69; e1.
Hall PD, Caskey B, Hirschi K, Reynolds PR, and Arroyo JA. 2018. Gas6/AXL modulates increased inflammatory cytokines during preeclampsia in rats. EB Poster Presentation.
Hirschi K, Egbert K, Clark C, Mella N, Plothow E, Mejia J, Arroyo, and Reynolds PR. 2018. Antenatal exposure to secondhand smoke impacts growth and cardiopulmonary energetics in 4-week-old mice. EB Oral Presentation.
Price K, Kimbler B, Knowlton N, Franson L, Hirschi K, Reynolds PR, and Arroyo JA. 2018. Differential expression of mTOR related molecules in the placenta of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and preeclampsia patients. EB Poster and Oral Presentations.
Mejia JF, Hall P, Hirschi K, Reynolds PR, and Arroyo JA. 2018. Regulation of trophoblast invasion by pyruvate kinase isozyme M2 (PKM2). EB Poster Presentation.
Ostergar A, Egbert K, Clark C, Hall P, Davis T, Hirschi K, Arroyo JA, and Reynolds PR. 2018. Semi-synthetic glycosaminoglycan ethers decrease receptors for advanced glycation end-products and increase AXL receptors in the lungs from secondhand smoke treated mice. EB Oral Presentation.
Jacobsen JL, Dalanhese DL, Peterson M, Sarva S, Chapman S, Mejia J, Bikman BT, Reynolds PR, and Arroyo JA. 2018. Reduction of CSE-induced Ca9-22 cell invasion by SAGEs. AADR Oral Presentation.
Peterson M, Sarva S, Jacobsen CL, Dalanhese DL, Hirschi KM, Chapman S, Hall P, Bikman BT, Reynolds PR, and Arroyo JA. 2018. Decreased inflammatory cytokines during Gas6-mediated invasion of gingival cells. AADR Oral presentation.
Reynolds PR. 2017. Over-Expression of Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) Causes Anomalous Epithelial Cell Survival and Differentiation in the Embryonic Murine Lung. International Society for Developmental; Biologists Congress. Singapore.
Wase BA, Nguyen MA, Whisenant EC, Mejia C, Wilcox SH, ReynoldsPRand Arroyo JA. 2017. Inhibition of AXL Receptors Decreases Invasion of Ca9-22 Cells. AADR poster.
Sue S, Mick M, ReynoldsPR, Mejia C, Wilcox SH and Arroyo JA. 2017. Semi-Synthetic Glycoaminoglycan Ethers Inhibit Ca9-22 Cell Invasion Induced by CSE. AADR poster.
Mick M, Sue S, Mejia C, Wilcox SH, ReynoldsPRand Arroyo JA. 2017. Cigarette Smoke Extract Increases Invasion in Ca9-22 Gingival Cancer Cells. AADR oral.
Dalanhese DL, Roberts D, Vanmali SN, Peterson M, Jacobsen CL, Sarva S, Hirschi KM, Lewis JB, Wilcox SH, Winden DR, Bikman BT, Arroyo JA and ReynoldsPR. 2017.Gingival cells exposed to e-cigarette liquid induce pro-inflammatory cytokine elaboration. AADR poster.
Sarva S, Vanmali SN, Dalanhese DL, Peterson M, Jacobsen CL, Hirschi KM, Lewis JB, Wilcox SH, Winden DR, Bikman BT, Arroyo JA and ReynoldsPR. 2017.Gingival cells exposed to e-cigarette liquid express differential recognition receptors. AADR oral.
Jacobsen CL, Peterson M, Dalanhese DL, Roberts D, Vanmali SN, Sarva S, Witt JE, Wilcox SH, Winden DR, Bikman BT and ReynoldsPR. 2017. Gingival cell mitochondrial bioenergetics are altered with e-cigarette liquid exposure. AADR poster.
Hirschi KM, Lewis JB, Hall PD, Wright TJ, Egbert KM, Ogden KC, Nelson SM, Clark JC, Milner DC, Arroyo JA, and ReynoldsPR. 2017. Abrogation of RAGE signaling using semi-synthetic glycosaminoglycan ethers (SAGEs) ameliorates inflammation in mice exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke. EB poster.
Dunaway TM, Lewis JB, Hirschi KM, Mejia CA, Mejia CF, Hall PD, ReynoldsPR, Arroyo JA. 2017. Activation of AXL Receptor via Gas6 induces Preeclampsia in Rats. EB poster.
Lewis JB, Mejia CA, Jordan C, Monson TD, Bodine JS, Dunaway TM, Egbert KM, Wright TJ,Ogden KC, Broberg DS, Hall PD, Nelson SM, Hirschi KM, ReynoldsPRand Arroyo JA. 2017. Inhibition of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products (RAGE) protects from secondhand smoke (SHS) induced intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) in mice. EB poster.
Hirschi KM, Lewis JB, Ostergar AS,Hall PD, Broberg DS, Arroyo JA, and ReynoldsPR. 2017. Involvement of RAGE signaling and inflammatory cytokine elaboration following in vitro exposure to electronic cigarette liquid. EB poster.
Mejia CA, Appiah MM, Lewis JB, Bikman BT, Hansen JM, ReynoldsPR, and Arroyo JA. 2017. Gas6 reduces cellular respiration and increases reactive oxygen species in immortalized human first trimester trophoblast cells. EB poster.
Cho J, Kim JS, Lewis JB, ReynoldsPR, Bikman BT and Symons JD. 2017. Nasal Administration of Diesel Exhaust Particles Does Not Evoke Dysfunction or Initiate Autophagy in Murine Femoral Arteries. EB poster.
Mejia C, Lewis JB, Mayment M, Monson T, Reynolds PR and Arroyo JA. 2016. Growth arrest-specific 6 (Gas6)/AXL signalling induces preeclampsia. Placenta 45:119.
Bodine JS, Gassman JR, Muñoz SA, Milner DC, Lewis AL, Dunaway TM, Egbert KM, Christiansen CE, Christiansen AR, Monson TD, Broberg DS, Arroyo JA, and Reynolds PR. 2016. Transgenic Up-Regulation of Claudin-6 Decreases Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM)-Induced Pulmonary Inflammation. FASEB J 30:305.11.
Lewis JB, Bodine JS, Milner DC, Lewis AL, Dunaway TM, Egbert KM, Albright SC, Merrill BJ, Monson TD, Watson MS, Burstedt ND, Smith QK, Gassman JR, Jergenson TR, Chavarria B, Broberg DS, Muñoz SA, Thomas DB, Arroyo JA, and Reynolds PR. 2016. Altered Inflammatory Responses In Tobacco Smoke-Exposed Mice That Over-Express The Tight Junctional Protein Claudin-6. FASEB J 30:305.12.
Mejia CA, Reynolds PR, and Arroyo JA. 2016. Placental expression of NFAT5, SLC5A3, and aldose reductase in gestational diabetes mellitus. FASEB J 30:851.5.
Jordan CJ, Lewis JB, Bodine JS, Lewis AL, Dunaway TM, Egbert KM, Monson TD, Ogden KC, Wright TJ, Mejia CA, Reynolds PR and Arroyo JA. 2016. Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-products (RAGE) inhibition protects form Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) during Second Hand Smoke (SHS) in Mice. FASEB J 30:1033.4.
Gassman JR, Lewis JB, Milner DC, Lewis AL, Bodine JS, Dunaway TM, Monson TD, Broberg DS, Arroyo JA, and Reynolds PR. 2016. Spatial expression of Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) in diverse tissue and organ systems differs following exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke. FASEB J 30:lb741.
Milner DC, Lewis JB, Winden DR, Gassman JR, Monson TD, Broberg DS, Muñoz SA, Ehrhardt C, Arroyo JA and Reynolds PR. 2016. Organic Cation Transporter Novel Type-1 (OCTN-1) And Pulmonary Responses to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke (SHS). FASEB J 30:50.4.
Mejia CA, Monson TD, Jordan CJ, Bikman BT, Reynolds PR, and Arroyo JA. 2016. Treatment with diet or insulin induces a different placental Ceramide expression during gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). FASEB J 30:851.6.
Ehrhardt C, Selo MA, Clerkin CG, Talbot BN, Walsh JJ, Nakamichi N, Kato Y, Lewis JB, Reynolds PR, and Nikel S. 2016. Protective role of ergothioneine from tobacco smoke-induced oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo. FASEB J 30:982.1
Napa K, Baeder AC, Richardson ST, Taylor OJ, Anderson SG, Wilcox SH, Winden DR, Reynolds PR, and Bikman BT. 2016. Gingival cells exposed to cigarette smoke extract induce muscle cell metabolic disruption. Presented at the American Association of Dental Research Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA, Mar 16-19, 2016.
Oliver OJ, Porter ME, Reynolds PR, and Bikman BT. 2016. HMGB1 mediates sidestream smoke-induced metabolic disruption. FASEB J 30:734.4.
Sanders NT, Dutson DJ, Durrant JW, Gollaher CJ, Lewis JB, Merrill BJ, Milner DC, Christiansen AR, Albright SC, Christiansen CE, Wilcox SH, Winden DR, Bikman BT, and Reynolds PR. 2016. Gingival epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke extract include RAGE-mediated inflammation. Presented at the American Association of Dental Research Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA, Mar 16-19, 2016.
Durrant JW, Gollaher CJ, Sanders NT, Dutson DJ, Lewis JB, Merrill BJ, Milner DC, Christiansen AR, Albright SC, Christiansen CE, Wilcox SH, Winden DR, Bikman BT, and Reynolds PR. 2016. Availability of TNF-alpha up-regulates inflammatory RAGE expression by gingival epithelia. Presented at the American Association of Dental Research Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA, Mar 16-19, 2016.
Lewis JB, Jimenez FR, Chavarria M, Gassman JR, Jergensen TR, Albright S, Morris R, Baker P, Christiansen C, Schrader T, Millner DC, Bodine JS, Arroyo JA, and Reynolds PR. Expression profile of Claudin family members in the developing lung. Dev Biology in press
Reynolds PR, Alexander K, Mejia C, Mejia J, and Arroyo JA. Induction of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) by secondhand smoke (SHS): a role for the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products (RAGE) in the development of disease. SSR: http://www.ssr.org/15Schedule, http://www.ssr.org/15SciProgram.
Mejia C, Johnston A, Lutz R, Arroyo JA, and Reynolds PR. Inhibition of trophoblast invasion by the growth arrest-specific 6 (Gas6) protein. FASEB J 29:684.10.
Alexander K, Lewis J, Mejia M, Howell B, Reynolds PR, and Arroyo JA. Differential Placental Expression of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) in Normal and Complicated Pregnancies. FASEB J 29:972.2.
Mika A, Reynolds PR, and Arroyo JA. Elevated Apoptosis in Ovine Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) is Associated with Increased Caspase 3 and 9 and Decreased Telomerase Activity. FASEB J 29:978.2.
Lewis J, Jimenez F, Chavarria M, Gassman J, Jergensen T, Schrader T, Millner D, Bodine J, Arroyo JA, and Reynolds PR. Expression Profile of Claudin Family Members in the Developing Lung. FASEB J 29:LB747.
Mejia C, Bahr B, Reynolds PR, and Arroyo JA. Nuclear and cytosolic expression of placental PKM2 in preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction. FASEB J 29:684.9.
Long E, Pettit N, Motwani R, Reynolds PR, and Seegmiller RE. Involvement of TGF-b1 in the initial phase of TMJ and knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis and Cartilage 23:A320.
Pettit N., Motwani R., Long E., Reynolds P.R. and Seegmiller R.E. 2014. Involvement of TGFB1 in the initial phase of TMJ osteoarthritis. IADR Meeting 2014.
Jimenez F.R., Belgique S.T., Albright S.A., Jones C.M., and Reynolds P.R. 2014. Conditional pulmonary overexpression of Claudin 6 (Cldn6) during embryogenesis delays lung morphogenesis. APS Comparative Physiology Conference 2014.
Tippetts T., Winden D.R., Wagner M., Condie T., Reynolds P.R., and Bikman B. 2014. Ceramide is necessary for cigarette smoke-induced reduced heart mitochondrial function. ADA Meeting 2014. Diabetes 63(S1): 1855-P, A447.
Nelson M.B., Tippetts T., Winden D.R., Reynolds P.R., and Bikman B. 2014. RAGE activation reduces cardiomyocyte mitochondrial function in a ceramide-dependent manner. ADA Meeting 2014. Diabetes 63(S1): 447-P, A117.
Thatcher M., Tippetts T., Johnson I., Holub Z., Nelson M., Winden D.R., Reynolds P.R., and Bikman B. 2014. Ceramide mediates cigarette smoke-induced skeletal muscle metabolic disruption. ADA Meeting 2014. Diabetes 63(S1): 1854-P, A447.
Wilhelm S., Mecham D., Chavez E.M., Kartchner J., Crepeau P., Anderson K., Vandruff J., Robinson M., Christensen I., Taylor K., Reynolds P, and Kooyman D. 2014. Blocking of the receptor for advanced glycation end-products but not Toll-like receptor 4 attenuates the progression of OA. FASEB J 28:835.13.
Chavez C.M., Mecham D., Wilhelm S., Black C., Mitchell J., Anderson K., Graf J., Macdonald J., Reynolds P., and Kooyman D. 2014. Knocking out RAGE disrupts natural repair of condylar cartilage during osteoarthritis. FASEB J 28:835.14.
Jimenez F.R., Lewis J.B., Belgique S.T., Wood T.T. and Reynolds P.R. 2014. Pulmonary expression and regulation of Cldn6 by tobacco smoke. FASEB J 28:834.3
Wood T.T., Winden D.R., Barton D.B., Betteridge B.C., Marlor D.R., Wright A.J., Jones C.M., Chavarria M., Rogers G.D., and Reynolds P.R. 2014. Targeted mice reveal a role for RAGE in an early inflammatory response to tobacco smoke. FASEB J 28:834.4.
Reynolds, P.R. 2013. Characterization of a new mouse model of COPD via conditional over-expression of RAGE by alveolar epithelium. Proc Phys Soc, Proc 37th IUPS, PCD055.
Thacher M.O., Brassfield E.S., Smith M.E., Nelson M.B., Reynolds P.R. and Bikman B.T. 2013. Smoking mediates smoking-induced insulin resistance. FASEB J 27:874.27.
Wilhelm S.K., Doxey A.S., Karchner J.Z., Vernderuff J., Anderson K., Draper C.S., Chavez E., Reynolds P.R., and Kooyman D.L. 2013 Apoptosis associated with osteoarthritis is attenuated in mice lacking receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). FASEB J 27:573.5.
Larkin J.D., Kartchner J.Z., Doxey A.S., Rees J.L., Hollis W.R., Wilhelm S.K., Peterson D.M., Jackson G.G., Haynie S.S., Draper C.S., Chavez E., Reynolds P.R., and Kooyman D.L. 2013. Inflammatory markers associated with osteoarthritis after destabilization surgery in mice with and without Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE). FASEB J 27:573.3.
Jimenez F.R., Lewis J.B., Wood T.T., and Reynolds P.R. 2013. Developmental expression and transcriptional regulation of claudin-6 in the murine lung. FASEB J 27:256.4.
Bennion B.G., Bodine B.G., Leatham E., Wright A.J., Jergensen Z.R., Erickson C.J., Jones C.M., Johnson J.P., Knapp S.M., and Reynolds P.R. 2013. Over-expression of RAGE by proximal lung epithelial cells causes an inflammatory response in adult mice. FASEB J 27:137.12.
Reynolds P.R. 2012. Over-Expression of Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) Causes Anomalous Epithelial Cell Survival and Differentiation in the Embryonic Murine Lung. Dev Biol 368 (2012), 151.
Jacobs M., Hardman S., Moore T., Lew J., Reynolds P.R., and Thomson D.M. 2012. RAGE and STAT3 signaling in chronic AICAR-treated young adult and old skeletal muscle. The Physiologist 55:6, C-56.
Farmer A.W. and Reynolds P.R. 2012. Receptors for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) are transcriptionally inhibited by FoxA2 in diverse pulmonary cell types. FASEB 26:1151.13
Robinson A.B., Johnson K.D., Bennion B.G., and Reynolds P.R. 2012. RAGE signaling influences tobacco smoke-induced inflammation by pulmonary macrophages. FASEB 26:1064.10.
Curtis C.S., Earley T.D., Robinson A.B., and Reynolds P.R. 2012. Diesel particulate matter (DPM) induces receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) expression by pulmonary macrophages. FASEB 26:143.1
Johnson K.D., Robinson A.B., and Reynolds P.R. 2012. RAGE signaling influences smoke-induced secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines by primary alveolar macrophages. FASEB 26:656.3
Kartchner J.Z., Peterson D.M., Larkin D.J., Doxey A.S., Hollis W.R., Rees J.L., Ingersoll C., Jackson G.G., Wilhelm S.K., Haynie S.S., Seegmiller R.E., Stogsdill J.A., Reynolds P.R., and KooymanD.L. 2012. Expression of biomarkers of osteoarthritis in mice with and without receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). FASEB 26:lb139.
Bukey B.R., Porter J.L., Hancock J.M., Stogsdill J.A., and Reynolds P.P. 2012. Increased MMP-9 activity in mice that over-express RAGE in alveolar epithelium destabilizes the basement membrane by degrading collagen type IV. Dev Biol 356 (1), 143-44.
Geyer A.J., Ferguson N.T. and Reynolds P.R. 2012. Conditional embryonic over-expression of RAGE in the mouse lung diminishes pulmonary endothelium expression. Dev Biol 356 (1), 143-44.
Porter J.L., Bukey B.R., Geyer A. J. and Reynolds P.R. 2011. Temporal-Spatial Expression of Alpha 5 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (nAChR) Subunits During Mouse Lung Organogenesis. FASEB J 25:660.1.
Stogsdill J.A., Stogsdill M.P., and Reynolds P.R. 2011. Embryonic over-expression of RAGE in mouse lung causes an imbalance between apoptosis and proliferation leading to severe lung hypoplasia. FASEB J 25:660.6
Stogsdill M.P., Stogsdill J.A., Porter J.L., Bodine G. and Reynolds P.R. 2011. Persistent over-expression of RAGE in adult mouse lung causes airspace enlargement coincident with emphysema FASEB J 25:114.6.
Fredrickson A.C., Sefcik T.L., and Reynolds P.R. 2011. A new RAGE blocker, low anti-coagulant 2-O,3-O desulfated heparin (ODSH), diminishes smoke-induced pulmonary inflammation. FASEB J 25:114.5.
Willnauer, C.P. and Reynolds P.R. 2010. TTF-1 Transcriptionally Regulates a5 nAChRs in Subsets of Proximal and Distal Lung Epithelial Cells. FASEB J 24:798:1.
Wasley K.M., Allison C.H., and Reynolds P.R. 2010. Diesel Particulate Matter Induces Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) Expression in Alveolar Epithelial Cells and Mediates an Inflammatory Response. FASEB J 24:612:20.
Stogsdill J.A., Phinney M.N., and Reynolds P.R. 2010. Conditional up-regulation of Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) in Alveolar Epithelium Causes Respiratory Distress and Perinatal Lethality. FASEB J 24:798:4.
Willnauer, C.P., Allison C.H., and Reynolds P.R. 2009. TTF-1 and Egr-1 Differentially Regulate a5 nAChRs in Proximal Lung Epithelium During Lung Development. Mech. Dev. 126:S214.
Schmitt R.E., Reynolds P.R., Kasteler S.D., and Hoidal J.R. 2009. The receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) activates Ras and NFκ-β in pulmonary epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke. (ATS)
Kasteler S.D., Reynolds P.R., and Hoidal J.R. 2008. Downstream effects of receptors for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) in pulmonary epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke. PATS 177:A333.
Reynolds P.R., Kasteler S.D., Sturrock A., Sanders K., Kennedy T.P., and Hoidal J.R. 2008. RAGE targeting leads to protection from hyperoxia-induced lung injury. FASEB J. 22:762.2.
Reynolds P.R. and Hoidal J.R. 2007. Expression and TTF-1-mediated Transcriptional Control of a5 nAChRs in the Developing Mouse Lung. Dev Biol 306:354.
Reynolds P.R., Kasteller S.D., and Hoidal J.R. 2007. Cigarette smoke-mediated regulation of receptors for advanced glycation end products by Egr-1. PATS 175:A257.
Reynolds, P.R., T.P. Huecksteadt , A. Sturrock, and J.R. Hoidal. 2006. Developmental expression and regulation of receptors for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). 2006 Dev Biol 295:379.
Reynolds P.R. and J.R. Hoidal. 2005. Pulmonary Expression and Transcriptional Regulation of a7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors by TTF-1 and Egr-1 During Development. Dev Biol 283(2):605.
Reynolds P.R. and J.R. Hoidal. 2005. Temporal-Spatial Expression and Transcriptional Regulation of a7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (nAChR) During Murine Lung Development. PATS 2:A467.
Reynolds P.R., M.L. Mucenski, and J.A. Whitsett. 2004. Midkine (MK) Causes Pulmonary Vascular Remoeling and is Responsive to Hypoxia Via HIF-1a. Cardiovascular Pathology 13 (3S): S15
Reynolds P.R., M.L. Mucenski, and J.A. Whitsett. 2003. Immunolocalization and Transcriptional Regulation of Midkine (MK) in Developing Mouse Lung. Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care Med. 167(7):A377.
Reynolds P.R., G.B. Schaalje, and R.E. Seegmiller. 2001. Retinoic Acid-induced Cleft Palate in Mice by Separate and Concomitant Administration of Folate and Methionine. Teratology 63(6):245.
Fillmore A.D., P.R. Reynolds, D. Griner, C.L. Fillmore, J.M. Dunn, A.K. Syphus, M.S. Hale, G.B. Schaalje, and R.E. Seegmiller. 2002. Rescue of Retinoic Acid-Induced Cleft Palate in Mice by Oral Administration of Folic Acid. Teratology 65(6):335.