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Scholarships and Funding

University Scholarship

The university scholarship application must be complete before applying for the college scholarship. Deadlines are dependent for each semester and students time at BYU Details of dates and deadline can be found in the link below.

University Application

College Scholarship

Make sure to apply for the University scholarship become starting the college application. College scholarships are only for Fall and Winter. Letters of recommendations are required, plan ahead to ensure that those are complete by the dead line.

Deadline: February 1st

College Application

CELL Department Scholarship

While applying for the college application, students will select which department the are in a will automatically be considered for a department application. There are no specific general CELL Department scholarships to further apply for.

Department Grants

Experiential learning grants are awarded to help fund activities that may include research projects, study abroad, or internships. Applications are reviewed shortly after the deadlines listed below and must correspond to a specific semester (Winter, Spring/Summer, or Fall) during which the experience will take place. One-semester award amounts may range from $500 to $1,000 in the form of a scholarship. Applications require endorsement from a CELL faculty mentor or other advisor. Awards are granted to those who provide compelling justifications, including the value of the experience for intellectual development, career preparation, or impacts on the community. Experiences that involve original scholarship, forming connections with scientists/practitioners outside of BYU, or innovative community outreach are especially encouraged. Consideration is also given to the financial need of the student applicant.

Grant Application


CURA (College Undergraduate Research Awards) are undergraduate mentor-based, student-focused awards. CURAs provide funding to students who work with faculty members in the College of Life Sciences an opportunity to participate either in mentored scholarly activities that add knowledge to the scientific community or in a project that adds meaningful value for an appropriate organization.