Cardiac, Smooth, Vascular Smooth
Toggle ItemCardiac 4XA: Myocardium of the heart is comprised of cardiac muscle.
B: Purkinje fibers are larger than normal cardiac muscle fibers with a pale staining central area. They function to conduct electrical impulses in the proper direction. Histologically they are modified cardiac myocytes.
C: Endocardium has a surface layer of endothelium which is simple squamous. -
Toggle ItemCardiac 20XA: Cardiac Myocytes with their centrally located nuclei
B: Purkinje fibers adjacent to the endocardium
C: Simple squamous endothelium -
Toggle ItemCardiac longitudinal 20XA: Bifucations are points where the cardiac muscle splits or branches into two separate portions.
B: Simple squamous endothelial layer
C: Nuclei are centrally located and there can me more than one nucleus per fiber -
Toggle ItemCardiac 40XA: Cardiac myocytes
B: Purkinje fiber -
Toggle ItemCardiac longitudinal 40XA: Bifurcation
B: Intercalated discs are found between adjacent cardiac muscle cells and are specialised junctions that give mechanical support and provide a way for electrical stimulation to be passed cell to cell.
Smooth Muscle
Toggle ItemSmooth 4XA: Smooth muscle cells are fusiform in shape and have on nucleus which is found in the middle of the cell unlike skeletal muscle which has multiple peripherally located nuclei per cell.
Toggle ItemSmooth 20XA: Smooth muscle cells arranged regularly with centrally located nuclei
Toggle ItemSmooth 40XA: Smooth muscle fibers
Toggle ItemSmooth transverse 40XA: Centrally located nuclei in a transverse cut of smooth muscle
Vascular Smooth Muscle
Toggle ItemVascular 10XA: Simple squamous endothelium
B: Internal elastic lamina. DECTIRA
C: Smooth muscle fibers regularly arranged
D: Tunica adventitia with adipose tissue -
Toggle ItemVascular 40XA: Internal elastic lamina
B: Regularly arranged smooth muscle
C: Tunica advetitia