The epidermis begins where the dermis ends and it serves as a protector
A: Stratum Corneum is usually the largest layer seen. It consists of completely dead cells that are full of keratin. Often it has some detached portions because our skin flakes off. B:Stratum Lucidum is full of keratin and stains much lighter than the granulosum and the spinosum. It is sometimes hard to distinguish this layer from the next layer unless you look very closely. C: Stratum Granulosum is the dark layer just above the spinosum. It has many granules within the cells causing it to stain darker than the spinosum D: Stratum Spinosum is the dark layer on top of the germinal layer. It is full of tonofibrils that give it strength against shearing forces E: Stratum Germinativum is the stem cell layer that proliferates to create new skin cells. It usually stains with dark brown granulesF: Dermal Papillaeare invaginations of the dermis into the epidermis
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A: Large layer of stratum corneum. It is the lightest staining of all the layers B: Small layer of stratum lucidum. It is a little bit darker with a pink hue. You can pretty well see where the lucidum ends and the corneum or granulosum begin. C: Thin layer of stratum granulosum. You can see that it is much darker than the normal spinosum D: Thick layer of spinosum is easily distinguished by the spines that line the edges of the cells. These are called tonofibrils E: The germinativum has a very distinct brown color due to some specific proteins found within. F:Dermial papillae are portions of dermis that push up into the epidermis, forcing the germinal layer up
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A:Stratum lucidum
B: Stratum granulosum
C:Stratum spinosum
D:Stratum Germinativum
F:Dermal papillae
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Kidney Cortex
A: The Kidney cortexis easily distinguished because it contains large brain looking structures called glomeruli or glomerulus (singular). These function as the simple filter for the blood. B: The Kidney medulla has no glomeruli, but it does have many tubules that are important in the filtration of the blood C: Glomerulus is a simple filter that allows fluid and small molecules out but keeps big molecules in the blood.
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A: The Renal Corpuscle includes Bowman's capsule and glomerulus
B: The Macula densa is usually found where the glomerulus is connected to the Bowman's capsule and it is lined by modified simple cuboidal epithelium
C:The Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule is located on the exterior of the glomerulus and is simple squamous epithelium with podocytes
D: The Parietal layer of Bowman's capsule is located distal to Bowman's space along the outer edge of the capsule and is simple squamous epithelium with tight junctions
E:DCT is simple cuboidal epithelium
F: PCT is simple cuboidal epithelium with a brush border
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Kidney Medulla20X
A:Thin portion of the loop of Henle is simple squamous epithlium and can be differentiated from capillaries by the lack of red blood cells and the loop of Henle's larger lumen diameter
B: Capillaries of the vasa recta surrounds the loops of Henle. Simple squamous epithelium
C: Thick ascending or descending portion of the loop of Henle. Simple cuboidal epithelium transitions into simple squamous
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Kidney Medulla 40X
A:Collecting ducts are distinguished by their visible tight junctions between the simple cuboidal cells that line it.
B: Capillaries of the vasa recta are lined with endothelium and contain RBCs within