A: Hypothalamus is nervous tissue that has secretory neurons that secrete oxytocin and ADH into herring bodies in that pars nervosa.
B: Infundibulum is a stalk of nervous tissue that runs down to the pars nervosa.
C:Pars Tuberalis is a portion of the adenohypophysis that surrounds the pituitary stalk.
D:Pars Nervosa is derived from a downgrowth of nervous tissue from the hypothalumus.
E:Pars Intermedia
F:Pars Distalis or anterior pituitary houses FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, GH, and Prolactin
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Pituitary 20X
A:Acidophilic chromophils produce growth hormone and prolactin and they stain brightly due to their acidic nature
B:Basophilic chromophils produce follicle stimulating, leutinizing, adrenocorticotropic, and thyroid stimulating hormones. They stain less bright than the acidophilic chromophils
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Pituitary 40X
A: Brightly staining acidophilic chromophils
B:Basophilic chromophils stain much lighter
C:Chromophobes have very few secretory granules so they don't have staining in the cytoplasm
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Adrenal 4X
A: Adrenal cortex contains 3 different layers: glomerulosa, fasciculata, reticularis
B: Medulla is lighter staining than the cortex
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Adrenal 20X cortex medulla
A: Zona Reticularis
B: Medulla
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Adrenal 20X cortex
A: Capsule is made of fibrocartilagenous tissue
B: Zona Glomerulosa secretes mineralcorticoids i.e. aldosterone
C: Zona Fasciculata secretes gluccocorticoids i.e cortisol
D: Zona Reticularis secretes androgens i.e. DHEA
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Adrenal 40X
A: Zona Reticularis
B:Noradrenaline secreting cells stain with a more pink color.
C:Adrenaline secreting cells stain purple
Both of these type of cells are considered chromaffin cells and secrete catacholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine