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Resting, Proliferating, and Lactating Mammary Gland

Resting Mammary Gland

  • A: Fibrous interlobular tissue surrounds the gland

    B: Mammary gland with no colostrum in its lumen is named compound multicellular tubular exocrine gland

    C: Duct for the mammary gland
  • A: Dense interlobular fibrous connective tissue

    B: Myoepithelium is just deep to the secretory epithelium and just superficial to the basement membrane giving the glandular epithelium a stratified look

    C: Cuboidal glandular epithelium
  • A: Myoepithelium

    B: Glandular epithelium

    C: Fibrous interlobular tissue

Proliferating Mammary Gland

  • A: Secretory portion of the mammary gland is compound multicellular tubular alveolar

    B: Connective tissue, muscle, and adipose that is found in the breast between the glands
  • A: Cuboidal epithelium of the secretory portion of the mammary gland

    B: Colostrum is produced by the mammary gland
  • A: Secretory epithelium

    B: Colostrum

Lactating Mammary Gland

  • A: Lactating mammary gland is compound multicellular alveolar exocrine gland is easy to distinguish from the proliferating by the amount of colostrum located in the lumen of the secretory portions of the gland. Each one is full.

    B: Connective tissue separates the glands

    C: Exocrine ducts are easy to see due to their long tubelike nature and the fact they are usually found in the middle of the gland
  • A: Mammary gland

    B: Mammary gland duct

    C: Fibrous connective tissue
  • A: Colostrum

    B: Secretory epithelium

    C: Interlobular tissue