B:Auerbach's nerve plexus is located between the outer longitudinal and inner circular muscle layers o the muscularis externa. It is responsible for peristalsis by innervating the muscle layers
C: Inner circular
D: Meissner's plexus has the same function as the Auerbach's, but it is located in the submucosa
E: Mucosa
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Auerbach's 40X
A:Outer longitudinal
B:Auerbach's plexus
C:Inner Circular
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Meissner's 40X
A: Mucosal layer of the GI tract
B: Submucosa
C: Meissner's plexus found in the submucosa
D:Muscularis externa
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Spinal Cord 4X
A: Dorsal horns of the spinal cord contain nerve cell bodies and is considered gray matter
B:Ventral horns are more broad in shape than the dorsal horns and are also gray matter
C:Anterior median fissure
D: Central canal
E: Ependymal cells line the inside of the central canal and secrete cerebrospinal fluid
F:Posterior median sulcus doesn't have space between as the fissure does