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Bone formation, Bone, and Developing Tooth

Endochondral Bone Formation

  • A: Hyaline Cartilage

    B: Bone

    C: Perichondrium lines the outside of the cartilage portion and is named DCCTRA histologically

    D: Periosteum surrounds the portion that is bone and is also named DCCTRA.
  • A: Zone of reserve cartilage is typical hyaline cartilage with chondrocytes surrounded by matrix

    B: Zone of proliferation has clusters of cells that are dividing and increasing in size

    C: Zone of maturation occurs when the cells stop dividing and start to increase in size

    D: Zone of hypertrophy is when the chondrocytes become greatly enlarged and stack in columns

    E: Zone of calcification occurs as the cells become calcified

    F: Zone of degeneration and the osteogenic zone are characterized by degeration of chodrocytes and differentiation of osteogenic cells in to osteoblasts (Wheaters)
  • A: Zone of reserve

    B: Zone of proliferation
  • A: Zone of maturation; where the cells are starting to enlargen

    B: Zone of hypertrophy; where the cells are very large and vacuous

    C: Zone of calcification. The cartilage matrix ends and bone begins

    D: Zone of degenration and osteogenic layer


  • A: Osteon is the functional unit of bone and is arranged in a circle with a central or haversian canal at the center

    B: Haversian canal
  • A: Haversian canals at the center of the osteons

    B: Concentric lamellae surrounds the haversian canal in the osteon.

    C: Interstitial lamellae is located between the osteons and is arranged in a more linear fashion

    D: Osteocytes are located inside small openings or lakes called lacunae
  • A: Haversian canal

    B: Bone canaliculi allow for communication between cells

    C: Osteocytes in lacunae

Developing Tooth

  • A: Dental pulp of the forming tooth

    B: Bone of the mandible

    C: Stratified squamous epithelium of the mouth
  • A: Dental pulp

    B: Odontoblasts are simple columnar epithelial cells that produce dentine

    C: Pre-dentin

    D: Dentin

    E: Enamel that has been secreted by the ameloblasts. Enamel is the hardest substance in the body

    F: Ameloblasts are simple columnar epithelial cells that secrete enamel

    G: Stratified squamous epithelium of the mouth
  • A: Odontoblasts

    B: Pre-dentin

    C: Dentin

    D: Enamel

    E: Ameloblasts