Hyaline, Elastic, and Fibro Cartilage
Hyaline Cartilage
Toggle ItemHyaline 4XA: Perichondrium lines the outside of the hyaline cartilage and acts like a capsule it is DCCTRA.
B: Chondroblast layer are transformed fibroblasts that are starting to enlarge and synthesize their own cartilage matrix. These cells are much smaller and thinner than the fully mature chondrocytes.
C: Chondrocytes completely surrounded by matrix. The chondrocytes are located inside lakes called lacunae.
Hyaline Cartilage as a whole is considered DCCTRA -
Toggle ItemHyaline 20XA: Perichondrium is DCCTRA
B: Chondroblast layer
C: Nest cells are lacunae with 2 or more cells -
Toggle ItemHyaline 40XA: Lipid droplet
B: Nest cell with two visible cells
Elastic Cartilage
Toggle ItemElastic 4XA: Elastic cartilage
B: Adipose tissue
C: Stratified squamous epithelium -
Toggle ItemElastic 10XA: Adipose tissue
B: Perichondrium is DCCTRA and surrounds the entire portion of the elastic cartilage
C: Chondroblast layer is a layer of very thin cells just beneath the perichondrium
D: Elastic cartilage is considered DECTRA. The elastic fibers are very noticeable because they stain black and the fibers can be seen. -
Toggle ItemElastic 20XA: Perichondrium stains a light pink color. DCCTRA
B: Chondorblast layer has much thinner cells with less elastic fibers
C: Elastic fibers stain dark and can be seen in abundance between the cells. DECTRA
D: Nest cell with two individual cells in one lacunae -
Toggle ItemElastic 40XA: Nest cell
B: Elastic fibers cause this tissue to be named DECTRA
Toggle ItemFibrocartilage 4XA: Fibrocartilage is called DCCTIRA due to the irregular arrangement of the fibers
B: Pubic bone that the fibrocartilagenous pubis symphysis attaches to
Fibrocartilage can be distinguished from hyaline and elastic cartilage because it does not have a perichondrium or a chondroblast layer -
Toggle ItemFibrocartilage 20XA: Chondrocytes within lacunae
B: Bone -
Toggle ItemFibrocartilage 40XA: Fibrocartilage matrix
B: Nest cell -
Toggle ItemFibrocartilageA: Chondrocytes
B: Irregularly arranged dense collagenous fibers