A:Internal elastic lamina is a connective tissue layer just beneath the endothelium. This layer functions to accommodate volume fluctuations in the arteries of the body. The lamina is DECTIRA during diastole and DECTRA during systole because the contraction of the heart causes volume fluctuation which stretches the fibers.
B: Tunica media of the artery is smooth muscle
C:External elastic lamina is the same as the internal in every way
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Lamina 40X
A:Endothelium is just apical to the inner elastic lamina and is simple squamous epithelium
B:Internal elastic lamina stains black due to the elastic fibers.
C: Tunica media with smooth muscle
D: Tunica adventitia is located just outside the external elastic lamina and is LCT
Adipose Tissue
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Adipose 4X
A:White adipose cells are histologically named uniclocular adipocytes
B: Vein
C: Artery
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Adipose 20X
A: Unilocular adipocytes
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Adipose 40X
A: Peripherally located nuclei are a distinguishing characteristic of white adipose
B: Blood Vessels
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Adipose 40X-2
A: Peripherally located nucleus of unilocular adipocyte