B: Fibrous bands of tissue that separates the lobules of the liver
C:Hepatic capsule also known as Glisson's capsule is DCCTRA and surrounds the outside of the liver.
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Hepatic 20X
A: Glisson's capsule is distinguished from the underlying portion of the liver by amount of connective tissue separating the nuclei of the cells. DCCTRA
B: Hepatocytes are the functional unit of the liver
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Hepatic 40X
A:Glisson's capsule
B: Binucleated hepatocytes
C: Von Kupffer cells are located in the sinusoids that exist between the hepatocytes and are phagocytes.
Splenic Capsule
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Splenic 4X
A: White pulp is lymphatic tissue arranged in dense circles in the spleen
B: Red pulp helps in erythrocyte maintenance
C: Splenic capsule surrounds the spleen and is considered DCCTRA with elastic fibers
D: Trabeculae are extensions of the capsule into the parenchyma